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Friday, 5 June 2015

Project Topic 1

Electronic banking in Ghana the benefits and the challenges
The term electronic banking refers to "the provision of information or services by a bank to its customers, through a computer. Such services include: account information, access to funds, business transactions and transfers.
As technology evolves, different kinds of electronic banking systems emerge, each bringing a new dimension to the interaction between user and bank. They include Automated Teller Machine (ATM), mobile and Internet (online) banking, electronic funds transfer, direct bill payments and credit card.
The main objective of this study is to identify the benefits and challenges encountered in the adoption and use of e-banking services in Ghana.
The specific objectives of this study are:
1.      To identify rational of Banks going Electronic banking and the various types of electronic banking used.
2.      To examine the public preference of electronic banking channels.
3.      To find out how e-banking services contribute to the performance Banks
4.      To identify the challenges and benefits of electronic banking.

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