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Tuesday, 5 August 2014


The industrial attachment report is an account of what transpired when students undertake their attachment in an institution. Below is a simple format to write a comprehensive report.
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Background
Give brief information about the programme, its duration and indicate the host institution. It is also necessary to state your field of study and the reasons for chosen a particular institution. You can also indicate whether it is a supervised attachment or not and the purpose of the attachment.
1.2 Objectives
You outline the objectives of the industrial attachment, usually the main objectives of the attachment is to provide students with an opportunity to apply knowledge acquired into real work environment as well as expose students to work methods not thought in school.
 1.2.1 Benefits to the students
Outline the benefits of the attachment to students, under the benefits you can explain the kind of experience acquired as well as any moral education learned.
1.2.2 Problems and challengers
Every work environment has its own problems and challenges so you can state the effect of the problems on your attachment. Again you can also state the challenges with respect to your school.
1.4 Methodology
Methodology is considered to be the way in which information is found or something is done. The methodology includes the methods, procedures, and techniques used to collect and analyze information. This part therefore outlines the process and techniques used in adapting into the new working environment. The methodology can include observation, participation, structured interviews and discussions.
Chapter 2: Historical Background or Description of the host institution
This chapter deals with the historical background of the host institution, their vision, mission and goals as well as the organizational structure of the institution. You can also outline the various departments and positions and their functions.
2.1 Brief history of the institution
2.2 Objectives of the institution
2.3 Organizational structure
2.4 Departments, positions and their functions
Chapter 3 and 4:
With this chapter you single out the department you worked under and state the position held. Afterwards you explain the activities carried out in that department and the duties of the position you held then you indicate your personal inputs, knowledge acquired.
Chapter 5: Summary conclusions and recommendation
5.1 Summary: Give a brief summary of the activities you undertook during the attachment
5.2 Conclusion: You conclude by indicating the significance of the attachment and its necessity as well as the problems and challenges encountered during the programme.
5.3: Recommendation: Involves suggestions that can help improve the programme, it can be in two parts; you recommend with respect to the programme itself and if possible make some recommendations for the host institution.  

For a sample industrial attachment report, click the link below.


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