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Friday, 5 June 2015

Project Topic 3

Management of debts in Micro finance institutions (MFIs) in Ghana.
The survival of any banking Institutions depends largely on their ability to mobilize enough funds, disburse these funds in the form of credits and also ensure timely repayment of the credit with an eye for profit. Fundamentally, this crystallizes the business of Financial Institutions and is the primary basis on which its’ quality and performance are judged (Allen & Santomero, 2001; Antwi-Asare & Addison, 2000). Once credit is made, however, there is a probability that the borrower or counterparty will fail to meet their obligations in accordance with agreed terms. Credit risk is, therefore, inherent in Banking Institutions.

The main purpose of this study is to:
1.         Assess the conditions under which loans are accessible to clients of MFIs.
2.         To identify the factors responsible for loan default by clients of MFIs
3.         Find out how the debtors are managed these institutions.

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