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Friday, 7 September 2012


       Education is the key to success in life we say, and it is indeed true. I.C.T. (Information and Communication Technology) in this present world is just like fire; a very good servant but a cruel and bad master. This tells us that I.C.T. has both positive and negative impact on education. However, in all, it has done more good than harm.
      On the part of teachers, presentation of lessons has been much easier, faster and simpler. Some software programs like MS PowerPoint make work of teachers easy. Teachers are able to break a topic into various sub-headings which students understand easily by using PowerPoint presentation style.
          Furthermore, teachers can assess students’ reports or marks or performance by using the MS Excel software program. Some manual mistakes teachers make when recording students’ marks like miscalculations, matching of marks to wrong names are prevented. When teachers use this method to assess students, it saves time which makes students get their report slips on time.
          Researches done in education by both teachers and students are made easier and faster through computers. Teachers make research to obtain ideas and other materials that aid them in their teaching presentation. Students on the other hand, research for more ideas and knowledge on the internet to do their assignments.
          I.C.T. has improved education so much that, it cannot be explained. School administrators keep records of staff and students as soft copy. Communication between teachers and students is now cordial, removing fear students have about teachers. Also devices have been invented to make education interesting. One can now boldly say I.C.T. has improved education in Ghana.
By: Cassandra Oti

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