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Thursday, 23 July 2015


The World War II began in 1939 when Poland suffered a bomb attack from Germany. Things took a different turn when the Japanese bombed pearl harbor and then in retaliation the United States dropped two atomic bomb, the rest is history.
The WW II resulted in an estimated 85 million death and is by far regarded as the deadliest conflict in human history. Am sure you are wondering why all these started, well one name comes into mind when we talk of the WW II and it’s no other than the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. The man Hitler was born on 20th April 1889 in a small Australian town of Braunau, at age 18, he moved to Vienna with money he inherited from his father, initially Hitler wanted to peruse a course in art but became interested in politics when his application for both Vienna academy of art and thee school of architecture were rejected. During the first World War he volunteered to fight for the German army and gained the rank of corporal, earning accolade as a dispatched runner. He won several awards for bravery including the Iron cross first class, he quickly rose through the ranks and by 1921 was the leader of the re-named National socialist German worked party (NAZI). Hitler became very popular as he was second in the 1932 presidential election and in 1933 the then president appointed Hitler as Chancellor due to his popularity.
During Hitler’s regime 16 assassination attempts were made on his life but all efforts proved futile such as the one in which a package containing two bottles of brandy were placed on Hitler’s plane and concealed in it was a time bomb but it failed to go off due to the cold freezing the acid in the detonator. One attempt that really came close was carried out by a Nazism oppose George Elser Johann a carpenter who placed a bomb in a large hole he drilled in a pillar behind a speakers rostrum, the bomb was timed to explode at exactly 9:20pm while Hitler was on stage delivering his speech but on that faithful evening due to the presence of fog Hitler started his speech at 8pm 30 minutes earlier than planned because he wanted to catch the night train back to Berlin and against all odds Hitler finished his speech at exactly 9:07pm 13 minutes earlier and when the bomb exploded the blast was so powerful that the ceiling collapsed, 8 people died and 60 more were injured by then Hitler was already in his Mercedes heading towards the station, he escaped unharmed. The failed attempts only strengthen Hitler and gave him the notion that a higher power was protecting him and also believed that he was on earth to fulfill a purpose and until he has accomplished his task no one can take his life which is not far from the truth.
Fast forward to 1939, Hitler formed an alliance with Russia and Italy known as the (Molotov-Rebbentrop Pact and Pact of Steel respectively) and on 1st September 1939 Hitler invaded Poland and as a result the Second World War began. In 1940 Denmark and Norway were also taken, France quickly followed. Hitler conquered much of Western Europe and then turned his sight towards east and in 1941, despite the alliance Germany invaded Russia which was a very big mistake on Hitler’s part as it resulted in their defeat.
The hypothetical question am asking myself right know is was it his destiny to cause the World War II that resulted in the death of 85 million, if not why then did he survived all this assassination attempts and finally completed the task himself by committing suicide on 30th April 1945 and this is exactly how the daily express reported his death on 2nd May 1945 in coats ‘The daily express rejoice to announce the report of Adolf Hitler’s death’, yes you read right they rejoiced at his death.